Childcare will not be provided at the 2022 Chicago Area Easter conference.
This is a change from previous conferences (ISBC, Midwest). The childcare service, Noble Call, was not available for this Easter weekend. As a result, the following possible options may be considered by parents:
Parents who bring children to the Conference
Hire a babysitter and bring that person to conference as a registered conference attendant.
Families could jointly hire a babysitter.
Husband & wife rotate who attends general sessions/GBS and who stays with children. This rotation can also be expanded/shared with an additional family.
Watch the livestream with other parents in a family meeting room.
CBF program (with parent participation) is an option for ages 6-13.
BBF program (with parent participation) is an option for ages 2-5.
Parents who will not bring children to the Conference
Either the husband or wife attends conference, while the other stays home with children.
Ask relatives or grandparents to babysit their children at their home.
Hire a babysitter to watch children at their home.