On May 6, 2022 we met at church to review what has been going on in our community since our Easter conference. We heard Luke’s gospel testimonies either from Sunday passages or the Easter conference from V*ictor (LU), E*sther (HBF) and J*ustin (LU). G*racie (UIC) shared about her student group Bible study on Mark’s gospel. B*everly (NEIU) shared her life testimony about the grace of God to her, a lonely sinner now comforted by God’s presence and a fisher of people. Tony King (NU) shared about the small Easter conference held at U of I Champaign-Urbana. The King’s visited to bless and pray for our new chapter of U of I UBF. To close we prayed in small groups in person and online then had pizza together at the end. It was a sweet and blessed time of christian fellowship.

By Christian
Program Coordinator

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