by Elder Joe G.
Semi-Annual Members Meeting
The Semi-Annual Members Meeting took place on Sunday, April 14, 2024. There were reports given on the many aspects of Chicago UBF. Reports on the World mission, Campus Ministry, and Children’s ministry were presented along with Church-wide updates and prayer topics. Through the reports, members could see God’s new work going on in the last 6 months in Chicago UBF.
The 2023 Finance report detailed the year-end financial results and trends in offerings, expense management, and investment of church assets. The Chicago UBF Properties report explained the new building management process and future 2024 building projects. The Member Care and Visiting Report highlighted the visiting ministry by pastors and elders, care for sick coworkers, and guest serving. The 2023 Annual Survey of Chicago UBF members summarized the feedback of members, identified trends, and detailed action steps taken in response to the survey.
In this meeting, members also divided into 8 small group discussions on Finance, Sr. Missionary Member Care, Hospitality/Serving, Parenting/Young Families, Daily Bread, World Mission, Campus Ministry, and Next Gens. The discussions provided a forum for members to openly share their ideas, give feedback, ask questions, and connect with other members. The small groups were well-attended and attracted a diverse range of participants.
May God lead Chicago UBF with his wisdom and guidance in carrying out his kingdom work. May all members be open and receptive to the new work God desires to do in them, in our church, and in the world.
*Read up on our previous meeting: recap-on-the-semi-annual-members-meeting