Thank God for the Homecoming Ceremony for Frieda Maheras on June 6, 2020. Via FB livestream many family members/friends were blessed with the beautiful message by Pastor Ron Ward on “I am the Resurrection and the Life”; testimonies by Helen, Jim, Hannah and Samuel Rarick; and a picture slideshow. We could hear how she supported our UBF ministry and her sacrificial love for others. Samuel (grandson) shared the resurrection hope we had: “When I visited her in the hospital, I couldn’t bear to see her in that state. I saw the great power that death can have over us. Then, I remembered Jesus’ words, “That whoever believes in me will live even though he dies.” And that we shall have eternal life.  I honestly believe that my grandmother was a believer in Jesus Christ. And, therefore, she is in a room prepared for her by Jesus in heaven…this hope means that this life is not the end. When I was by her bedside, I did not feel that good-bye was the appropriate term to use. To me, good-bye has a sense of finality, which typically means that we will not see each other again. Instead, I prefer to use, and I said to her, “Auf Wiedersehen”, which means, “Until we will meet again.” This is good-bye for now, Grandma Frieda, but we will meet each other again one day in God’s house, where he has prepared a room for the both of us. I can’t wait to laugh, run, and catch up with you after all the years. I love you so much, and until we meet again in God’s kingdom, “Auf Wiedersehen.””  Dr. Helen writes:  I am personally thankful for all the cards, gifts and loving words we received from our UBF community – they are a great comfort to us.”

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