by Nancy M. 

Kevin and Nancy have three sons. Nancy works at an international school and is a CBF teacher in Kenya. Nancy shared her prayer topics at the Chicago UBF Daily Bread meeting.

Prayer Topics

I am humbled and greatly honored that God has allowed me to be here with His servants at this time and to share the following prayer topics. My name is Nancy M. from Kenya UBF. I have divided the prayer topics into three categories: UBF Kenya prayer topics, CBF Kenya prayer topics, and my personal prayer topics.

Kenya UBF Prayer Topics
Vision and Key Verse: To deeply learn the power of Jesus’s salvation grace by obeying Philippians 3:10: “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.”

  1. For our director, Pastor Juma F., to have wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead the ministry.

  2. To raise 20 house churches.

  3. To pioneer 5 new chapters.

  4. For 120 teams of Bible study and 200 attendees at worship services.

  5. For each shepherd to feed at least two sheep.

Kenya UBF

CBF Kenya Prayer Topics

  1. For our children to learn the ways of the Lord, according to our CBF key verse, Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

  2. For the children to meet Jesus personally and tell others about Him.

  3. That God blesses the devotion of the CBF teachers and gives them strength and grace as they serve in the Children’s Ministry. As the leader, I co-work with Missionary Esther H., Shepherd Kevin N., Dr. Lucy O., Shepherd Cliffton O., Shepherd Edith, and recently Shepherd Queenter O.

Kenya CBF

Personal Prayers

  1. For wisdom and strength to do what God says.

  2. We desire to serve in Kenya UBF, but in recent years, we have experienced several challenges, including economic difficulties and concerns about the future of our children’s education. We are asking God whether we should continue staying in Kenya or if He will open an avenue for us elsewhere.

  3. For our children: Daniel, Nathaniel, and Lamuel.

  4. That our family may be a source of blessing to this generation.

Nancy after Meeting and serving breakfast at the Morning Daily Bread Meeting

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