We are in a 6-week Prayer series in our church. Six staff members chose to preach on 3 passages from the Old Testament and 3 from the New Testament. Pastor Ron chose Daniel chapter 6, which we prayerfully studied last week as the first message. Pastor Kevin spoke on the importance of Repentance in our prayer.Confessing and repenting of sin is an important part of Christian prayer.
Here is an excerpt from Pastor Kevin’s message on January 30th, “‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ If you recognize your sins, don’t excuse them. Don’t justify them. Confess them and repent of them before God. If you don’t see your sins, pray that God may show you your sins and his holiness. It might just break you and give you a powerful encounter with God”
We have 4 more weeks of prayer series. Let us take full advantage not to just hear about and study about prayer, but to actually pray. When do you pray? Do you have a set time or an accountability partner? May we know God deeper through prayer and may we be sanctified by the truth and grow as disciples of Jesus and raise disciples of Jesus!