On February 1, a prayer meeting was held in M. Sarah Barry’s residence to acknowledge God’s providence for her ongoing care. Sarah just celebrated her 91st birthday. For the last 13 years, M. Anna Yang has served as Sarah’s personal assistant and household manager. Anna served so sacrificially and faithfully, to the point of damaging her health. It became impossible for her to continue, even though she really wanted to. At the right time, Sh. A*nnie Lee was moved to volunteer as her successor. It is a sign of God’s great love and care for Sarah, who has been a spiritual mother of UBF members all over the world.
During the prayer meeting, heart-moving testimonies were shared by Anna and Annie. Gracious words of commendation from P. Moses Yoon, UBF General Director, were shared on his behalf. Afterward, Anna was presented with a plaque of appreciation from the entire UBF community. Dr. Augustine Sohn, president of the N. A. Elder Board, and Dr. Paul Koh, president of the Chicago Elder Board attended and prayed as representatives. It was a very graceful event which we are happy to share with all brothers and sisters in UBF.
Please join us in praying for M. Sarah Barry to have good health and long life, and in giving thanks for M. Anna Yang’s beautiful service, and in praying for Sh. Annie Lee to have the wisdom and strength to serve M. Sarah and her household well. Please note that any future correspondence with M. Sarah Barry’s household should be directed to Sh. A*nnie Lee, and no longer to M. A*nna Yang.
<M. Anna Yang who had served M. Sarah Barry for the last 13 years as her personal assistant>
“By God’s amazing grace, I was able to find my life purpose and mission, meet Mother Barry, and come to the US as a missionary. I was even blessed to live together with her and witness her beautiful life of faith and her continuous journey of following Jesus the Good Shepherd. Like her, may I pursue my journey of faith to follow Jesus, my good shepherd, to the end.” – M. Anna Yang