College students and young leaders from Chicago area truly retreated over a beautiful fall weekend in Michigan. It was a wonderful gathering of young people who sought and found rest and delight in God, the Scripture and genuine fellowship. 

Luke 10:25-37, the Parable of the Good Samaritan, was the main passage. We studied the text using the Haverim method, which allowed us to deeply understand Jesus’ teaching. First, we compiled an extensive list of questions we had from each verse. Then, we researched for context (the manners and customs of the day, archaeology…) and shared our findings. Second, we focused on the connections and patterns in the passage to discover the principle. Third, each group took a role of one of the characters and created a monologue/skit that revealed the character’s inner thoughts and feelings. Lastly, we had personal reflection time and prayed for someone we can share this passage with upon returning from the retreat. This Bible study approach equipped and encouraged students to study any Bible passage with anyone, anytime.  

Through Bible study, we were all surprised by the main point of the parable, which was not about charity, being a good person or even loving our neighbors. Here, Jesus wanted us to see how far we are from being the good Samaritan—in fact, we can’t ever be one to the extent God requires for eternal life. Basically, we cannot DO anything to inherit eternal life because we can’t love God with all our being and our neighbors as ourselves PERFECTLY. We saw our helpless state, only to be doomed. We saw our self-righteousness, self-reliance and self-justification. It was a huge breakthrough for many. We were further inspired by life testimonies (Rafael, Lupita, Teresa, Zach, Bahati) that testified the powerful work of Jesus.   

The good news came on Sunday as we studied the cruixifcion of Jesus in John’s gospel: “It is Finished.” Michael D. delivered the message, tying the two passages together and pointing to Jesus, the only Good Samaritan who finished our salvation by sacrificing lavishly for his enemies. God really humbled us so we can receive the best gift of eternal life and “do likewise” and love like Jesus. Praise God for student movement in Chicago and we continue to pray for great work of God across many campuses this semester.

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