We had a blessed summer retreat at the Fox River Resort for two nights and three days from July 28-30.


See the detailed summer retreat program here.-

It was a great time for students and leaders as well. 18 people including four leaders attended the retreat. Let me share how God blessed the retreat below.

1. God blessed us with heart-moving messages

The three messengers meditated on the passage well, holding onto one word while delivering each message. William Magardician was the first messenger. His title was “Friends, Come and Eat Breakfast!” (John 21:1-14) He preached about Jesus who loved his disciples to the end. His honest testimony moved students’ hearts. So, 11 out of 15 students volunteered for grocery shopping duty, because they wanted to cook breakfast for their roommates. Before, very few wanted to help with shopping or cooking, but after Willy’s message, we had a most beautiful fellowship shopping at Walmart as students shared their favorite recipes and breakfast specialties. The next morning instead of sleeping late, students got up bright and early to cook very delicious breakfast entrees like smoked salmon on bagels, croissant breakfast sandwiches, avocado toast, and blueberry pancakes. Afterwards, the students confessed they felt so much love through their roommates’ cooking for them and that it was the best part of the conference. Practicing and receiving unconditional love opened our hearts to receive the word of God the rest of the day.

After Bible study that morning, John Lee delivered his message, “Do You Love Jesus?” (John 21:15-17) He said that he did not have an idea for the message, because the passage has only three verses, and one verse is repeated twice. But God touched his heart and opened his eyes to see Jesus’ love while he was suffering from his job search and passing through many difficulties over the summer, including helping his disheartened and spiritually weak friend. Right before the retreat, he solved his job problem by God’s grace. His testimony revealed Jesus first loves us, so we can love him. And his love is never failing. After listening to his message, the students told John, “I enjoyed your message a lot!” Instead of playing around after lunch, students gathered in their suites to struggle to write and share their testimonies for two hours.

M. Steven Lee covered John 21:18-25. He preached the meaning of Jesus’ invitation, “Follow me!” He shared the meaning and cost of being a disciple, laying down one’s life for the glory of God. He gave his own testimony of being a top student shepherd and fellowship leader, then leaving UBF to become a millionaire, and miraculously, returning to UBF to restore his life. He was like Peter in the passage. His testimony moved the students’ hearts, was a good example to others, and revealed that the blessed life is to follow Jesus to the end.

2. God opened students’ hearts and bound them to each other

We had a clear prayer topic for students to make friends with Jesus and with each other. During the pandemic, students were isolated and depressed. We intentionally programmed the retreat so the members of each suite could bond. First, they had to cook breakfast together and have a Daily Bread meeting every morning.Then, they had group Bible study, and afterwards testimony writing and sharing together. The suites were deluxe suites with a full kitchen, dining room, living room, king-size bedrooms with a jacuzzi in the bathroom, and a balcony overlooking a forest and river. They could enjoy a beautiful environment full of nature after 2 long, hard years of being inside during the pandemic. We fed them delicious meals from nearby restaurants and stocked their refrigerators with snacks they chose. They played basketball, volleyball, tether ball, mini golf, tennis, and pickleball and swam and played in the pool. We all went together hiking in a canyon the first day. We thought they would get tired, but they did not. They never wanted to sleep. Their stress was gone. Smiles stretched across their faces. They were so overjoyed and hugged us and thanked us for taking them to such a beautiful resort and to finally have an overnight retreat, after missing out on many things during the pandemic. They also said that the intimate nature of the program helped them to talk together with their suitesmates and make friends.

We also had a clear prayer topic for us to transition to a new leadership team. Students needed time to adjust to M. Steven Lee as the new coordinator and a new leadership team. Through the retreat, students and leaders had time to study the Bible, talk, eat, and play together. M. Steven treated everyone to a big ice cream cone after hiking. He also enjoyed late night ramen fellowship, talking with students deeply. John and William played well with students, but also spent much time talking and being with them. Underclassmen girls told Yvonne during testimony sharing that they did not get the chance to really talk with her and know her since they met mainly online for HBF for the last 2 school years and appreciated time to do so at the retreat. Even the long drive there and back gave us chances to talk and know each other much better. We thank God for this golden opportunity to have fellowship with teenagers and be united in Christ.

We are grateful to 4 graduated seniors Gracie Koh, Grace Min, Caleb Kim, and Danny Miranda, who continued to participate in HBF throughout the summer to assist us and served as group Bible study leaders at the retreat. Their student leadership was a tremendous help. Underclassmen connect easily with them, look up to them, and listen to them as the seniors taught the word of God. Moreover, the seniors created a pure environment, and all the members were like brothers and sisters in Jesus. We thank God for them and acknowledge them as our coworkers.

There is so much to thank God for! We praise God for an in-person summer retreat at the resort by faith, when the Christian retreat centers were not permitted to open to overnight events. The resort staff members were so accommodating and knew we were hosting a church gathering, though we didn’t tell them, and reserved the more spacious penthouse suites for our event.

3. God heard our prayers

Before the summer retreat and throughout it, we felt the prayers of our church leaders, elders, parents, and other members praying for us. So many miracles and gracious works of God occurred. God gave us sunny days. On the first day, the weather forecast alerted us of a serious thunderstorm around the neighborhood. So, we prayed. God held back the thunderstorm during the first day while hiking, playing sports, and swimming. Then, the thunderstorm poured down heavy rain during the first night, but no more.

Moreover, we prayed for all HBF members to attend missing no one. Samantha attended HBF faithfully throughout the last year online, but her parents objected to in-person gatherings. Her friend Hannah Albright and a few others kept praying for her to attend. At the midnight hour before the retreat, her parents gave permission for her to attend. Thus, all our 18 members came as we prayed!

We thank God on our knees! God’s timing, protection, and blessing was so evident to us! Thank you for your prayers, mindfulness, and support for HBF. May God bear much fruit for his glory through this retreat in HBF.

In Christ,

M. Steven & Yvonne Lee

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