We resume In-Person Sunday Worship Services on February 7, 2021!
We will have services at 8:30 am & 11 am. The maximum number of people that can attend is 50! Please sign up in order to attend. Those 50 and older who want to attend, please do so at 8:30 am. We can’t wait to worship together in person!
*Please see the detailed guidelines below
Covid SWS Action Plan Proposal (In January, Chicago has entered Stage 4, which officially allows for gatherings of 50 people or less, to wear masks, and keep a distance from others). Below are our plans for worship services on Sunday, February 7.
Service Sign Up:
- A google sheet will be circulated throughout the church with a tab for each service including a seating chart of the sanctuary.
- People will sign up on the google sheet for a worship service and a specific seat #. Once all 50 seats are selected for that service, it will be closed. Note: 8:30 a.m. worship is recommended only for those who are older than 50 years old, so this service might not reach 50 attendees.
- If you get sick or cannot come to your assigned seat, please go back in and remove your name from that seat.
- Do not edit any of the other information on the google doc, except to add your name or remove it if you can’t attend anymore.
*Note: Assigned seats will help with contact tracing if necessary.
- If you feel unwell at all or are exhibiting any symptoms of illness, worship from home.
- Based on where your assigned seat is, you will enter and exit the door that is assigned to you (North door for those seated in or under the balcony or South main door for those seated in the main room). Door will be open weather permitting. Signs indicating which seats enter through which door will be posted as reminders.
- Windows will be open, weather permitting.
- Fans will be on.
- Face mask required at all times (bring your own).
- No gloves are required, but hand sanitizing stations will be at both entrances (please sanitize hands on your way in and your way out, if you are not wearing gloves).
- Posters at entrances reminding people of Covid Symptoms, and basic rules.
- Try not to touch things if possible.
- Go to your assigned seat (numbered on the chairs from 1, in the front of the sanctuary, to 50 in the balcony). This will help with contact tracing if someone gets sick.
- Seating will begin twenty feet from the stage.
- No mingling with people inside of the building before or after service.
- The worship team will wear masks, except those leading singing.
- Plexiglass sheet at the preaching podium and for song leaders will be installed to shield from the audience.
- Congregants can hum along with music or sing softly with masks on.
- If you speak during service for the Apostle’s Creed or to say “amen”, do so quietly.
- No offering baskets. Please continue to give online or drop your offering in the black wall box where the pastor usually stands as people exit.
- Instead of 2 by 2 prayer, silent prayer at the end, then pastor prays to close.
- No mingling.
- Exit through the same door you came in.
- Maintain social distancing while exiting.
- Hand sanitize on the way out.
- No coffee, water or other beverages provided. Please bring your own.
- Three hours between service start times: 8:30 am (over 50 years old only), 11am (plus livestream), 5pm. Only if 11am and 5pm services reach 50 people signed up, we’ll add a 2pm service.
- No children. No childcare will be provided. Must be at least 13 years old to attend.
- Greeters (2 per service, one at each entrance)
- Remind people to social distance
- Make a friendly environment
- Sanitation Team (5 per service)
- 1 person: Sanitize high touch parts of doors, hand railings, piano, pulpit, and mics.
- 2 people: Sanitize the metal parts of the tops of numbered chairs and the chairs just in front of those chairs.
- 2 people: Sanitize bathroom flushers, faucets, counters (1 man, 1 woman for each bathroom).
- Tech Team (2 volunteers needed for 8:30 am worship to show music & possibly message powerpoints)
Beyond the Service
- If you test positive for COVID-19 at any time, please let church leaders know. In order to pray for our community and to build trust through transparency, we will let the congregation know if someone is positive so they can make better decisions about their future interactions based on their recent interactions with you.