In this new year of 2023, we are pleased to announce the fourth WEW track, “Christ-like Compassionate Care for Women in Ministry: A Wholistic Approach to Understanding Anxiety and Depression and Flourishing” (led by Crystal Morla, Ph.D., Grace Sun Lee, D.Ed.Min., and Grace Ahn-Im, Psy.D.). This 6-session workshop will be held from March 4th through April 15th (not meeting on April 8th on Easter weekend) on Saturdays. We will meet for 1.5 hours every week for 6 sessions. This track will equip women and women ministry leaders of all ages (21 years and older) to foster and seek compassionate care for themselves and those in their ministries who may struggle with Anxiety and Depression.

The workshop will be informative, interactive, and include small breakout discussion groups. Those who participate will be equipped with tools and resources to recognize signs of anxiety and depression and identify strategies to care for themselves and others with the compassion of Christ. Praise God, “who comforts us in all of our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”—2 Cor 1:3-4

“If interested, please send an email to wewcohort@gmail.com for further information. Space is limited” (Liz Hembekides).

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