1st to 8th Graders
Luke 2:52
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
An exciting place of learning about God!
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Joyful worship, creative activities to experience our faith, meaningful service, fun, games and many chances to meet Jesus more personally. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me” and it is our prayer that they may do so. We know that as a parent you want your children to excel in life and in school, make good friends and enjoy the good life God has given them. Above all, as a Christian parent, you want them to know Christ. So do we in CBF. We want to come alongside you in this year, and help your children to love God’s word and encounter him personally, make good friendships, and worship our Lord sincerely. We can’t wait to see you and your family!
DATE: Every Saturday | LOCATION: 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL
TIME: Worship Service – 10:00-11:00 am | Bible Study: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
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While many of our programs are very fun, we believe that worship should be centered on loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Dt 6:5). Worship is meant to prepare children to offer their heart and listen to the word of God, so that they may prepare to enter Adult Worship with their family. Worship begins with energetic praise led by the children’s praise team. There is a time of prayer and reading of the word. Children prepare special music programs, including chorus and orchestra and give their offerings to God. There is a relevant, child-friendly message prepared by Adult Leaders to help children be fed with the word of God. A recap and then we finish with prayer. Worship Service is primarily children-led to help children to grow in leadership and stewardship for their worship service.
We believe that the study of God’s word is essential to for the growth of any believer and is the primary focus of our church for all ages.
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We believe that God has primarily revealed himself through his word and wants us to encounter him through it. Through inductive Bible study children learn to understand what the Bible means and how to read it for themselves. Especially children learn to apply the Bible to their lives through Bible study focused on application and then through writing and sharing Bible reflections each week. Classes are divided by grade and gender in upper grades, and Bible studies are age-appropriate. We do a comprehensive overview of the whole Bible that focuses on knowing God and growing in faith. The focus of the curriculum is God’s story of salvation through Jesus Christ who is the theme and purpose of every passage of Scripture. Bible studies are divided as follows:
1st Grade: Genesis-Deuteronomy
2nd Grade: Joshua-1 Kings
3rd Grade: 2 Kings-Prophets
4th Grade: Mark, James, Philippians
5th Grade: Luke, 1,2,3 John
6th Grade: Acts
7th Grade: Matthew and Romans
8th Grade: John, Hebrews, Revelation
The CBF year begins the first Saturday after Labor Day and kicks-off with a fun picnic for kids to build friendships and get to know their teachers through food and games

We pray to overcome the darkness of Halloween with the light of Jesus! This fun filled night features a bounce house, praise, a joyful message, and of course fun-filled games created by each class with candy prizes, Bible-themed costume contest and more!

We believe that Children work together to create Thanksgiving and Valentines’ murals expressing all their thanksgiving topics to Jesus and their love confession to Jesus.

All children, babies-8th grade, celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ together with their families. All grades prepare one special program as their offering to the baby Jesus ending with a full drama by 8th Graders and Pizza Party all together.

We help children to hold onto the word of God. We believe even one living word of God can radically transform a child’s life. Children seek God’s leading to find one word of God to hold onto as their prayer topic throughout the year and prepare one take home craft to remember it and a year end review and prayer for the new year.

We believe children should hold onto the word of God they have received. Children prepare for 2 weeks spurring one another in memorizing Bible questions, Catechism and reviewing their class lessons for the first half of the year. They test their knowledge in an exciting fun quiz game grade by grade in teams, and everyone is awarded.
All Children, babies-8th Grade, celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ together with their families. All grades prepare one special program as their offering to the baby Jesus ending with a full drama by 8th Graders, a Pizza Party all together and a resurrection egg hunt.

Bible Memorization is a basic Christian discipline because it renews our mind (Ro12:2), keeps us pure (Ps119:9), is our sword against satan (Eph6:17) guides our steps (Ps119:105), and will come back to us later in life. Memorizing Bible verses yields lifelong rewards. Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Baptism is the public declaration that “I am a Christian and will follow Jesus and his word for the rest of my life.” It is an essential and very meaningful rite of passage for all Christian children. Any CBF child who feels that the Holy Spirit is working in their heart to draw them to Christ, and this is confirmed by their parents and mentors, can begin 4 weeks of Baptism classes covering the basics of the gospel, doctrine, faith and the Christian life of devotion and mission to God and be baptized on completion. Baptism involves sharing a testimony of God’s work, an examination by the Senior Pastor and is a full submersion, attended by all upper grades and the children’s family.

We celebrate summer vacation with a one week fun-filled, word filled, themed Bible school including Bible study, messages by 8th Graders, videos, fresh praise music, crafts, games, dramas, lunch, and outdoor sports and activities.

Simply put Maximum Bible Study and Maximum Fun. In 1 Samuel there was a conference at Mizpah where the people got out of their homes into a remote place to rededicate themselves to the Lord and experience him and it led to complete transformation of the nation. Each year we travel to Brethren Retreat Camp in Shipshewana, IN to get away and meet God. Before the conference children prepare world mission projects to catch a vision for world mission and study the main passages. At the conference, students listen to engaging messages, listen to the testimonies of their peers and see the creative excellently prepared world mission presentations. They also have maximum time to spend having fun with each other and making lasting relationships through sports, boating, swimming, game rooms, cheese factory, petting farm, and bonfire. It is the highlight of our CBF year.

The Disciples Chorus is a children’s choir established to sing for the glory of God as offering servants at the CBF and UBF worship services. The choir trains children in the basics of singing, musicianship, reading music, and hold concerts twice a year, including spring musicals. Practices are on Tuesdays from 5:00-6:00 pm.

Praise for CBF Worship service is led by children and members. They are trained to choose songs and lead praise, both singing and playing instruments with motion and joy each week. Practices are on Fridays from 4-5:30 pm.
Our teachers are parents, education majors, those spiritually gifted to teach children and are dedicated to not only teaching but truly shepherding children. We have a saying that CBF kids are “our kids” it means that teachers have 3 roles: a spiritual parent, a shepherd for each child and a teacher for their class. Each teacher makes a year-long commitment to thoroughly prepare each study, pray for each child and even have fun fellowship time outside of class. They love our children and leave a life-long impression on each child.
Isaac Choi
Tim McEathron