(Updated 6/30/2024)


  • Chicago UBF 2024 Key Verse – 1 Peter 2:1-12, “Our New Identity in Christ” See the Key Verse Message

  • Our Main Chicago UBF Vision: May God raise spiritual leaders for the world and future generations.

  • Watch Pastor Mark 2024 New Year Greeting: watch

  • Pastors’ office hours:
    – P. Mark Vucekovich: Wednesday 4-7 pm; Thursday 9 am-5 pm
    – P. Kevin Albright: Wed/Fri 9 am-12 pm

  • May God raise 120 disciples of Jesus among college students as spiritual leaders for America and missionaries for the world.

  • Childcare (ages 2-5); is now available during Sunday Worship Service. Parents can rotate to lead a planned program. Anyone interested in joining please get in touch with Tim McEathron at –

  • Pray for missionaries sent out from Chicago:
    – CANADA: Stephanie B., Elena G.
    – Marshall Islands: Philmar & Romaldo K.

  • Pray for Young Spiritual Leaders:
    – 2 interns: Victor & Becky, to grow as good shepherds.
    -Summer Discipleship Program: Romans Bible Study (M-F), session 2 starting 6/10
    -Encounter Student Retreat 2024: 9/27-9/29, Streator, IL, $90
    -Pray for our church’s 22 high school college graduates to serve Christ fruitfully!
    -May God raise spiritual leaders for the world!

  • Pray for the Midwest Summer Conference Planning


  • Sarah M. (Cook County Hospital, pancreatic cancer)

  • Gabriel R. (fell, broken leg, concussion)

  • HBF Leader and Elder Yvonne L.’s heart to be healed and for rest and recovery.

  • Jackie Y: Has stage 2 breast cancer (6 months of Chemo)

  • Christian M.’s mother: Tumors decreased and no new activity. Pray for recovering from chemo and for effective immunotherapy.

  • M. Maria L. of India

  • Dr. James S: Pray for 6 months of chemo; good appetite


  • July 7th, 2024 – NEXT SUNDAY MESSAGE /  “With All Boldness” (Acts 4:23-31) by P. Mark Vucekovich (Click here to go to the Bible resource)

  • Men’s John’s Gospel Study – Saturdays from 1:00- 3:00 pm  See detailed information here:

  • Women’s Bible Study – For busy mothers or any women interested- Tue: 7:30 PM on Zoom; Fri 11:30 AM in person; Sat 7 PM in person. For more information contact us here:

  • Wednesday Prayer Workshop & Prayer Meeting- Wednesday, July 3rd, 7:30-8:00 pm Prayer workshop, 8 pm Prayer Meeting

  • Special Calling Series 2024:
    -4/28: Abraham (Gen 12:1-4)
    -5/19: Moses (Ex: 3-4)
    -6/16: Samuel (1 Sam: 3)
    -7/14: Isaiah (Isa:6)
    -8/11: Jonah

  • Session 2 for Summer Discipleship Program: Romans Bible study begins 6/10, session 3 being 7/15

  • United Friday Meeting – 7/12, K-stan report, and representative summer testimonies

  • Baptism – 7/21, Oscar C., Gia Huy N.

  • CBF Summer Bible Conference – 8/5-7, Shipshewana, In

  • Encounter Student Retreat 2024 – 9/27-9/29, Streator, IL


–  July 3rd: Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Prayer Workshop

–  July 7th: Next Sunday Message

–  July 12th: United Friday Meeting

–  July 17th: Special Calling Series (Isaiah)

–  July 21st: Baptism

–  August 5-7: CBF SBC

–  September 27-29: Encounter Student Retreat

Go to Event Page


– CANADA: Stephanie B., Elena G.
– MARSHALL ISLANDS: Philmar & Romaldo K.

*More info on North American Missionaries: Pray for North American Missionaries


  • Global UBF 2024 Key Verse: ” Have Faith in God” (Mark 11:20-25): Download study questions

  • Global UBF Prayer Topics by General Director, P. Ron Ward:
    1. To have faith in God in 2024 – especially faith that moves mountains and empowers us to make disciples of all nations.
    2. To practice Jesus’ forgiving love and build up loving spiritual communities.
    3. For the raising of spiritual leaders among young people who live by gospel faith and make disciples in their generation.
    4. Empower a new generation of leaders

  • European Summer Bible Conference 2024: “Jesus is the Way” August 1-4, 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic. Registration opened 1107 registered (closed); train from Prague to conf posted. Info at
    1.) Pray for five anointed messengers to speak God’s living word and for the formation of a messengers mentor team. Bruno A. (Isa 43:1-21), Eberhard G. (Jn 14:1-14), Jacob P. (Lk 23:26-49), David S. (Ac 9:1-31), Paul from London (Php 3:1-21).
    2.) Pray for robust attendance from Europe and Germany and the spiritual revival of Europe.
    3.) 2nd messenger camp: 6/27-30

  • Pray for the Central Asia Summer Conference, Aug 8-11, Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, “God is Love”

  • N.A Summer Bible Conferences:
    -Northeast region: New York (7/5-7/7), New Jersey (7/22-7/29)
    -Canada: Calgary/SAIT (6/28-6/30), Greater Toronto (6/29-7/1), Rideau (7/5-7/7)
    -Mid-Atlantic: 7/25-28, “For Even the Son of Man”; Washington DC young messenger on letters to 7 churches (Rev)

  • Japan SBC (8/10-12)

  • Indonesia Joint SBC (9/14-16)

  • Oceania Bible Conference (12/6-8)

  • For more Articles on World Mission visit –