Mother’s Day Brunch

Chicago University Bible Fellowship 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

Mother’s Day Brunch When: Sunday, May 12th, 10 am just before the 11 am worship service Where: Church basement (There will be yogurt parfaits!) *Read up on Previous Mother's Day Celebrations:...

Church-Wide Picnic

Chicago University Bible Fellowship 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

Mark your calendars for our annual church-wide picnic! There will be fellowship, food, basketball, soccer, tennis, fishing (permit required), and a walking path. There will be 54 parking spots available...

HBF Senior Night

Chicago University Bible Fellowship 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

Our high school Bible Fellowship will celebrate their graduating seniors; Andrew, Hannah, Jane, Nehemiah, and Sammy! When: Friday, May 31st, 6:30 pm Where: Leningrad house

Loyola Summer Bible Academy & Jericho Prayer Walk at Loyola Campus

Chicago University Bible Fellowship 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

Loyola Summer Bible Academy & Jericho Prayer Walk at Loyola Campus  1. BIBLE ACADEMY  *Title: "SHOUT!" *Key verse: Joshua 6:16b: "Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!" *Period:...

Young Father’s Gathering

Chicago University Bible Fellowship 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

There will be a Young Father's Gathering this Saturday (6/8) for young Dads of kids in the age range of elementary and under. (Sorry no kids, just the Dads) When:...

Preliminary Fellowship Meeting for Post-Graduates

Chicago University Bible Fellowship 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

This is for anyone who graduated from college and does not feel like they belong to come together and discuss these topics. *When: June 16th after Sunday Worship Service *Where:...

Summer Discipleship Program: Romans Bible Study

Chicago University Bible Fellowship 6558 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

There will be 3 sessions of a 4-week daily Bible Study on the Book of Romans led by Pastor Mark. Each session will have 2 groups; Group 1 will meet...

CBF Prayer Meeting for SBC

Chicago UBF Children Bible Fellowship (CBF)

CBF is having daily prayer meetings in preparation for their upcoming summer bible conference. They will pray, work on their testimonies, have bible study, and work on their projects. Please...

Young Dad’s Fellowship

The Young Dad's Fellowship led by Eric L., Matthew M., and Augustine P. will be having their second meeting. When: Sunday, August 4th @ 8 pm Where: The Church *Read...

CBF Summer Bible Conference

Chicago UBF Children Bible Fellowship (CBF)

CBF will resume their summer bible conference in Shipshewana, Indiana. Please pray for CBF teachers and all preparations for the conference. When: August 5-7 Where: Shipshewana, In