Acts 18:1–22 (Go to the ESV Bible verses)

Key Verses: 18:9–10, “And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, 10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.” 11 And he stayed a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”

  1.  Find out what you can about Corinth (1; also see a map). When Paul arrives, to whom does he go, and why (2–3)? [To learn more about this couple, see verses 18,24–26; cf. 1 Cor.16:19; Rom.16:3–5; 2 Tim.4:19.] Why does Paul work as a tentmaker in Corinth (1 Thess.2:9; 2 Cor.11:9)? How does he minister at first (4)?

  2.  Who arrives, and how does this change things (5)? What does it mean to be “occupied by the word” (1 Tim.4:13; 2 Tim.4:2)? What is Paul’s focus (5b), and why?

  3.  How do the Jews respond to Paul, and why (6a)? What does Paul do and say (6b; cf. 13:45–46), where does he go, and what kind of man is his host (7)? What happens through Paul’s ministry there (8)?

  4.  Read verses 9–10. What does this tell us about Paul in Corinth? In the vision, what direction does the Lord give him, and for what purpose? For how long does Paul do this (11), and what practical lessons for us are here? What happens (12–13)? How does Gallio intervene (14–16)? What other detail is here, and why (17)?

  5.  Trace Paul’s return to the home church in Syrian Antioch (18–22; see a map). Why might he have cut his hair and taken a vow? Why does he leave Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus? Summarize the key aspects of Paul’s ministry in Corinth. How can we practice these ministry principles today?


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