Acts 16:11-40 (Go to the ESV Bible verses)

Key Verse: 16:31, And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

  1.   Describe their journey (11–12; see a map). What did it mean to be “a Roman colony”? Where do they go, why, and who do they find (13)? Who is the focus, and how is she described? (14a)? How does God work (14b–15a)? What does she urge them (15b)? What lessons are here about sharing and receiving the gospel?

  2.   Who do they meet, how is she described, and what does it show about that society (16)? What does this girl do and say (17)? How does Paul respond (18), and what does this tell us? What do the girl’s owners do (19–21)? How do things escalate (22)? How is their imprisonment described (23–24), and why is this done to them?

  3.   What do they do that night (25), and what can we learn from them (Rom.5:3; James 1:2; 1 Pet.1:6)? What dramatic thing happens (26)? How does it affect the jailer (27)? What does Paul do, and why (28)? How does the jailer respond (29)? What does he ask, and why (30,17)?

  4.   How do Paul and Silas help this man (31–32)? What does it mean to “believe in” the Lord Jesus (Rom.10:9)? To be “saved”? In what ways does the jailer respond (33–34)? What does this show us about faith in Jesus? About God and his ways of working?

  5.   In the morning, what happens (35–36)? What does Paul demand, and why (37)? What do the magistrates do, and why (38–39)? Where do Paul and Silas go, why, and what does it tell us about this new Christian community (40)? How does this passage illustrate the impact of the gospel?


Key Verse: 16:31, “And they said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.’”

Do you consider yourself a believer? Some might mumble, “Sure, I believe in Jesus.” But sadly, we often can’t tell if a person really believes. What does it even mean to “believe”? Is it to only agree mentally? To hype it up emotionally? Or just go with the program quietly? In this passage, the newly formed mission team enters Macedonia, in obedience to God’s vision. There, they show what it means to believe in Jesus. So do two unlikely converts: a businesswoman named Lydia, and even the jailer. They express believing in Jesus in concrete, practical ways. What does it mean to believe? How can we receive, practice, and share our faith today? May God speak to us through his word.

Luke begins by sharing where the team goes. Troas was a coastal city in the northwest of Asia Minor (11; map). Immediately after Paul’s vision, they take a ship to Macedonia. This is a busy shipping lane in the North Aegean Sea. That evening, the ship stops by the island of Samothrace, with the tallest mountain among all the Greek islands. The next morning they sail to Neapolis. This time God gives them a direct course, with no wandering, because they’re going where God wants. Philippi is “a leading city in the district of Macedonia and a Roman colony” (12; map). The city’s on a plain, surrounded by mountain ranges. Gold, silver, and copper mines are nearby, as well as fields good for crops and flocks. In 360 BC, it was first settled by islanders from Thassos, and soon named “Philippi” after Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. To have a port for the city, he made a seaside settlement ten miles away called Neapolis. By 120 BC, Neapolis and Philippi were connected by a Roman road called the Via Egnatia (map). This road took 26 years to build, from the Adriatic Sea, extending all the way to Istanbul, 700 miles. But walking on this road from Neapolis to Philippi would take just a couple hours. In 42 BC, Rome took over Philippi and made it a Roman colony, settled by army veterans, and gave it tax free status.[1] By now, Philippi is a small version of Rome. Luke writes, “We remained in this city some days.” Through the team, God does some amazing things in Philippi.

First, God opens a woman’s heart and home (13–15). We learn here how God works: through prayer, through crossing barriers by faith in Jesus, and through careful listening. There don’t seem to be enough Jews in Philippi to form a synagogue. So on the Sabbath day Paul’s team goes outside the city to the riverside, supposing to find a place of prayer (13). Luke often mentions how those who believe in Jesus pray first.[2] At this place, the team meets women who’ve come together on the Sabbath. To us it seems like the perfect chance to start talking. But in their culture, foreign men do not approach women. They could have thought, “These are not the right people. Let’s move on.” Instead, they sit down and begin speaking with the women. Today, how can we overcome barriers and speak to people of a different race, culture or gender? These team members do it because they really believe Jesus is for everyone.[3]

Look at verse 14. Thyatira is on the border between Asia and Mysia. It was famous for its dyeing facilities and for making purple goods. Lydia must have learned her trade there. She probably branched out to Philippi because Romans living there loved the imperial color purple. Now she owns a house and has a household (15a,40). She’s good at business, but she’s also “a worshiper of God.” In Acts, we see various other non-Jews who are called “worshipers,” “devout,” or those who “fear God.”[4] Lydia is one of them. In Thyatira she must have attended a synagogue to know God better. In Philippi she’s still seeking him. And now, here Paul is, speaking about Jesus based on the Bible.

Believing in Jesus begins in our hearts (Rom.10:9), and only God can help us believe. But how? It says he opens Lydia’s heart to pay attention (14b). Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” “Hearing” the word is vital. But if someone is speaking it, we easily get distracted. We zone out, or look at the person critically. But God helps Lydia “pay attention.” It means “consider carefully.” Through careful consideration, Lydia begins believing. But she doesn’t try to keep her faith a secret. Read verse 15. She’s baptized, expressing her faith in his death and resurrection. It’s not a mere ritual; through baptism she commits her life to follow Jesus and joins these fellow believers. Through her faith, she influences her household to be baptized. And her believing goes even further. She insists on opening her home to Paul and the team. From the start, Lydia is serving in faith. She makes Jesus the Lord of her home, providing hospitality for God’s servants. So begins her lifelong partnership with Paul, supporting him to serve God (40).[5]

Second, God heals a slave girl (16–18). Here we see how God works if we really believe the power of Jesus’ name and have compassion for an enslaved person. This girl’s situation shows the spiritual darkness in Philippi. Though the city has fancy new Roman buildings and streets, people are living under the devil’s rule. Verse 16 begins, “As we were going to the place of prayer…” It’s not just once; they go there regularly. Regular prayer is the foundation of the team’s mission in Philippi. If we believe in Jesus, we pray fervently to fight against unseen forces of evil (Eph.6:11–12,18). This place out by the river is ideal for the team to pray and share the gospel. Probably new believers are bringing others there to hear Paul’s gospel message. One day, on their way, they’re met by a slave girl who has a spirit of divination; it says she brings her owners much gain by fortune-telling (16b). This poor girl is a human being, but she’s enslaved and used by others to bring them much gain. This is what the devil’s rule is still like, even today.

What happens? The demon in the girl can see that Paul and his team are servants of the Most High God. The demon says, “…they proclaim to you the way of salvation” (17). With this knowledge the demon is trying to have power over them. Verse 18a says, “And this she kept doing for many days.” Paul endured for quite a while, probably to avoid causing a ruckus that would distract from his ministry. But one day he becomes “greatly annoyed.” “Greatly annoyed” means “provoked,” or even “pained.” Paul’s not angry at the girl, but at the devil ruining her life and trying to distract from the gospel. Paul turns and says to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it comes out that very hour (18b). This is another part of believing in Jesus: believing that the power of his name can drive the evil spirits out of people. Paul doesn’t calculate; in great compassion for a human being, and believing the power of Jesus’ name, he drives the evil spirit out of the girl. As we believe in Jesus, we too gain discernment to see the devil’s work. Believing the power of Jesus’ name, we can fight the good fight to resist the devil and drive him out. This healed girl likely was welcomed and cared for by this new Christian community in Philippi.

Third, God sends an earthquake (19–26). It tells us that God works if we keep praying and singing his praises, even in severe suffering and darkness. Now, the slave girl’s owners are upset. They seize Paul and Silas and drag them into the marketplace before the rulers of the city (19). This is really about money. But they begin by saying, “These men are Jews, and they are disturbing our city” (20b). Because the city is predominantly Roman, they stir up racism and accuse Paul and Silas of “disturbing” the peace and bringing in foreign customs (21). They appeal to people’s Roman pride. Then things go crazy. The crowd joins in attacking them, and the magistrates tear the garments off them and give orders to beat them with rods (22). It’s how they deal with foreigners perceived as a threat. They inflict many blows on them, throw them in prison, and order the jailer to keep them safely (23). So he puts them in the inner prison and fastens their feet in the stocks, which are large blocks of wood (24).[6] Through believing in Jesus, Paul and Silas are now sharing Christ’s sufferings (1 Pet.4:13).

It’s dark and filthy in there. They’re bleeding from their beating. The future of the mission looks dark. Their lives might soon be over. And what do they do? Read verse 25. They’re trapped, in the worst situation, in the deepest darkness. But they’re praying and singing hymns to God. What an amazing aspect of believing in Jesus. No discouragement, no darkness, no pain, can make us give up. By faith in Jesus, the worst of times are the best of times to start singing hymns of praise to God. We can praise God anywhere, anytime, because of who he is and what he’s done for us in Jesus. To keep our faith in Jesus alive, we shouldn’t wait for the worst; we should be reading his word, praying, and singing hymns daily. We’re not sure how talented Paul and Silas are as singers. But their spirit is heart-moving. They believe that serving Jesus, our Risen Lord and King, even suffering for him, is the greatest joy and blessing. They’re in pain, but full of grace, joy and living hope. And the other prisoners are listening. What happens? A great earthquake shakes the foundations of the prison. Immediately all the doors are opened and everyone’s bonds are unfastened (26). It’s so interesting: nobody moves. The earthquake happens because Paul and Silas believe in God Almighty. The living God still comes to fight for his servants and rescue us, if we just keep on believing, praying, and praising him. The living God can do what no human being can. If we keep on believing in Jesus, he can set us free from any darkness or hopelessness, and change everything.

Fourth, God saves the jailer (27–34). By faith in Jesus, Paul, suffering in prison, cares even for the man who locked him up, and helps him believe and be saved. After the earthquake, the jailer wakes up, sees the prison doors open, and is about to kill himself with his sword, supposing the prisoners had escaped (27). But Paul sees him and cries out, “Do not harm yourself, for we are all here” (28). It’s the cry of a real shepherd, even for this man. The jailer calls for lights, rushes in, and trembling in fear falls down before Paul and Silas (29). He’s repentant. He brings them out of the inner prison and asks privately, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (30) Literally, the word “sirs” is “lords.” He realizes the earthquake has happened because of these men. But why does he ask about being saved? He’s probably heard of the slave girl’s words, who said so many times in the city that these men are proclaiming the way of salvation (17–18a). He also may have heard their singing at midnight. Now, though the prison doors are open and their bonds are unfastened, Paul and Silas haven’t run away––so they’re innocent. And this earthquake has shown how fragile life is. It’s a preview of divine justice. In light of God’s power and ultimate justice, the jailer is serious about finding the way of salvation. He asks, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” What do they say?

Read verse 31. “And they said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.’” They are not “lords”; Jesus is Lord. The man almost threw away his life. But this is a promise of God’s grace to save not only him but also his entire household—spouse, children, relatives and servants. How is it that believing in Jesus is the way of salvation? Jesus suffered the greatest injustice at the hands of sinful men. But God raised him from the dead, exalted him to his right hand, and made him Lord of all. It’s not only vindication, but also redemption. Jesus died and rose again to forgive us our sins and give us the Holy Spirit (2:38). In Jesus, though we’re so undeserving, we have a living hope in the kingdom of God (1 Pet.1:3). To receive this saving grace, what must I do? It’s simple: repent and believe in Jesus. No rituals, no amount of good deeds, hard work or sacrifice, can save us. Only believing in Jesus saves us. It also means letting Jesus be Lord of our lives. It means struggling against our flesh, the world, and the devil, and surrendering our life in obedience to him. We need to believe in Jesus as both Savior and Lord. The promise of God’s grace here is for “you and your household.”[7] How can we help our children and those close to us? It’s by truly believing in the Lord Jesus ourselves, and living out our faith in our home life. Read verse 32. It’s beautiful: in the middle of the night they take time to speak the word of God to each person in the jailer’s household.

How does the jailer respond? Even before being baptized, he washes their wounds (33a). He knows they’ve been in that filthy place where there’s a serious risk of infection. What he’s doing is another element of believing in Jesus: tenderly caring for others. The jailer and all his household are meaningfully baptized, committing to the Lord Jesus and identifying with other believers, despite the persecution (33b). The jailer then opens his home like Lydia did and serves them food. He and his household are all rejoicing in their new faith in Jesus (34). Not complaining that it’s the middle of the night, but rejoicing. Rejoicing while serving is the final, tell-tale sign of really believing in Jesus.[8]

Fifth, God vindicates his servants (35–40). This last part shows how God protects his people. Paul reveals that he and Silas are Roman citizens, and now, everyone’s afraid (37–38). Why does Paul insist on an apology and public escort? It’s not for his bruised ego, but to protect the new believers in Philippi as he leaves. In this, he’s a real shepherd.

So, what does it mean to believe in the Lord Jesus? It means: to receive the gift of faith based on his word; to receive Jesus as both Savior and Lord; to share our faith him with others; to challenge evil by the power of his name; to open our homes to care and to serve; to commit to Jesus and his people, despite persecution; and to pray and rejoice in our Risen Lord, even amid the deepest darkness. Do you believe in Jesus? Prove it (26:20; cf. James 2:14ff). Read verse 31 again. May God help each one of us to truly believe in our Lord Jesus.

[1] After the assassination of Julius Caesar, there was a famous battle at Philippi between his assassins Brutus and Cassius and his successors Mark Antony and Octavian, who defeated them.

[2] 1:14,24; 2:42; 3:1; 4:31; 6:4,6; 8:15; 9:11,40; 10:2,4,9,30–31; 11:5; 12:5,12; 13:3; 14:23, etc.

[3] Luke often highlights women in gospel history: 1:14; 5:14; 8:3,12; 9:2,36; 12:12; 17:4,12,34; 18:2,18,26; cf. Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna in Luke’s Gospel; also Luke 8:1–3; 23:49,55; 24:10,22,24; Phil.4:2–3.

[4] See 8:27; 10:2,7,22; 13:16,26,43,50; 17:4,17; 18:7.

[5] See also Phil.1:5; cf. Matt.10:11.

[6] Luke repeatedly uses this Greek word “xulon” to describe Jesus hung on a “tree” (5:30; 10:39; 13:29).

[7] Cf. 2:39; 11:14; 16:15,31,34; 18:8.

[8] Years later, while in a Roman prison, Paul writes his letter to the Philippians with this theme of joy.

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