Joshua 5:1-12 (Go to the NIV Bible verses)
Key Verse: 5:2, “At that time the Lord said to Joshua, “Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again.”
What did God command them to do and why (2-9)? Why was circumcision necessary to renew God’s covenant, and to enter the promised land? (Gen 17:10-11)
What is the true circumcision (Deut 30:5-6; Jer. 31:33-34)? What should we cut off from our hearts and how can we do so (Col 3:5-9; Rom 8:13)?
What else did the Israelites do after crossing the Jordan River (10)? And why was it necessary? What does it mean for us to celebrate the Passover (Mk 14:23-24)??
What is the Promised Land to us (Heb 4:1, 8-11)? How does Jesus lead us to the Promised Land- the true rest (Mt 11:28)? What does true rest in Jesus look like (John 10:10; John 7:38) Do you have this rest in Jesus?
What is the ultimate Promised Land? (Rev 22:1-4) How does this hope enable us to live a courageous life in a sinful and troubled world?
Based on this passage, what does it mean to you to make or renew the covenant as we enter into the fall semester?
In the history of the nation of Israel, one of greatest events, was their entry into the Promised Land according to God’s promise given to Abraham and all his descendants long ago. After 400 painful years of slavery in Egypt, and additional 40 years wandering in the desert wilderness, the Israelites have finally stepped foot in the Promised land. We can imagine their excitement and anticipation to enter and possess the promised land- the land of abundance. Their dream of settling down, to build homes and plant fields, to raise their families, was about to be fulfilled! But one important question remains- what was God’s intention of bringing Israel as a nation into his Holy land? Exodus 19:5-6 says, “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”
So, today’s passage is how God prepared them as the new generation of Israelites from the wilderness entered the promised land. God prepared them by first renewing his covenant with them. Like them, we too are coming out of the wilderness-like pandemic into a new unknown era. Like them, God’s hope and purpose for us to live as his kingdom of priests and a holy nation, and enter the promised land, is still the same. So, through this message, may God prepare us by first renewing his covenant with us today.
Circumcision and Passover (1-12)