Prayer Topics & Plans for Upcoming Fall Semester – According to Each Ministry

Lincoln Park

  • 9/2 (Tue): Welcome Students/Labor Day Cookout

  • 9/3-11: Outreach & Daily Campus Visiting for New Students, New Student Convocation (9/3) & Fall Quarter/Classes begin (9/4).

  • Praying for Friday’s students’ meeting/GBS (9/6 resume), Jason, Margaret & Elias can grow as GBS leaders/disciples/shepherds

  • Praying for Encounter students retreat (9/27-29), 4 students (Jason, Margaret, Elias & Eleanora) can register/attend

  • Praying for LP children to grow as leaders/coworkers


Outreach Dates: Aug 19-Sep13

Prayer Topics:

  • Being renewed as a club in the 2024 Fall + preparing group Bible study

  • Student’s club fair on Aug 28th from 4-7 pm to get students signs – 83 signed up!

  • Outreach by leaders with God’s wisdom.

  • Three club leaders may grow spiritually: Janice (President), Alejandra (Treasurer), Caleb (CAN R)

  • Three new board members may join for the next semester 2025.

  • We finished the 70-day prayer walk on Mon, Au 19. May God bless each family’s devotion and prayers for the Loyola campus to go and pray during this whole summer.

  • Lunch (Fri)- 5 students attended. Breakfast and Bible reading (Sat), BBQ (9/6).


  • Campus prayer walk (Thursdays).

  • Evangelism workshop during the summer to prep for the Fall.

  • Go fishing every day for the first 3 weeks of school, participating in Golden Eagle Welcome Day & Org fairs- 85 signed up!

  • Game Night outreach event the 1st and 2nd week of school.

  • Meet & Greet the 3rd week of school.

  • Weekly Group Bible study Thursdays 3-4 pm.

  • Mainly focus on 1:1 ministry & Gospel appointments with students.

  • Game nights 2 (Thursdays), GBS (9/12, 3 pm).

  • Student Leaders: Chris, Arcenio, Alysha)

  • Pray For:

    • A new generation of True Vine disciples may come from the Freshman class this Fall.

    • Raise disciples and disciple-makers among students.

    • Student leaders: Chris, Arcenio, and Alysha grow as disciples of Jesus and good stewards of the Bible club. Prepare them to lead group Bible studies on campus in the future.

    • Raise one Abraham and Sarah of faith.


  • Outreach Days-

    • Sep 19 for Graduate student resource fair- we may get a table and invite incoming graduate students to Bible studies

    • Week of Sep 24 for undergraduate org fair

    • Student Welcome cookout Sep 27

    • Student Leaders: Gloria & Esther

  • Prayer Topics-

    • Weekly fellowship through testimony sharing among growing disciples- Gloria, Grace, Esther, Shannon, Sammy, Annie, Anna-Marie

    • To establish a weekly graduate student GBS

    • Student leaders, Gloria, Esther to grow as stewards

    • Sammy to adjust in his first year at Northwestern

    • Returning students to resume Bible study- Shun, Gabrielle, Lucas


  • Outreach Dates-

    • Oakton Fall festival; Skokie campus 8/28 & Des Plaines 8/29 – 53 signed up!

  • Prayer Topics-

    • Raise 12 disciples, new 1:1s through fall fest, discipleship meeting; Bible study, and reflection sharing on campus and each co-worker has 1 one to one student. Oakton will be the new president of the Oakton Mission Bible Club.

    • Student Leaders: Oscar, Angelo, Miranda


  • God may bless 2 weeks of daily prayer dedication & prayer walks for the UIC fall ministry.

  • Pray for DrinC officers: Theo and Yue to be filled with the Holy Spirit & grow as shepherds for UIC students.

  • Pray for all UIC current & returning students to grow as lifelong disciples of Jesus who live based on the great commission (Mt 28:18-20)

  • Pray to raise 12 new disciples through three outreach events & active evangelism with Dindo & Little Sarah & 20 volunteers.

  • 8/30 BBQ Night – 60 signed up! Student Involvement Fair (9/4-5) – 153 signed up! 9/6 Game Night; 9/13 New Beginnings night

  • Pray for incoming freshmen Hannah and Nehemiah as they enter UIC to encounter Christ personally while at UIC.

  • Pray for group & 1:1 Bible teachers to grow in their foundation on Christ & grow in faith through teaching the word of God & shepherding God’s sheep: Theo, Yue, Miguel, Marcos, Joel, Grace, Miriam, Nery, Musa, and Lydia.

  • Pray for West campus group Bible study and Christian Community to be formed for the next 100 years. Pray that Abraham and Gloria adjust well to medical school.

  • Pray for Rafael to follow God’s vision, pray, and trust future direction & job.

  • Becky’s continual growth in Christ & job search.

  • Pray for 2 men’s common life to be Christ-centered & devoted to prayer & ministry of the word of God: Theo, Rafael & Yue; Dylan & Parham.

North Park

  • For the university ministries office that cares for students (Campus Pastor Terence, Community Outreach Coordinator Ben, Spiritual Formation Coordinator Pete, Worship Coordinator Grace, Office Manager Anna & Director Tony).

  • For many students to get involved with Life groups ( a form of a fellowship group on campus for students) & come to Christ.

  • For specific students who participated in bible studies last year, that they may keep seeking God: Steph, Delaney, Steve, Christian

  • For protection over our students against depression, anxiety & self-harm


  • Bible students formed last year to return and grow in faith.

  • Success at this year’s Fall Fest Sep 11.

  • First group meeting Sep 18

  • Students may join Bible club.

  • S. Carmen prays to coworkers with another Christian group on campus this year

  • Leaders may be raised, who can assist S. Carmen on campus, esp. with campus club meetings & Bible study preparation.


  • Key verse Luke 2:52, that children may grow like Jesus, in wisdom and stature and favor before God and people.

  • For parent leaders to take stewardship of the BBF ministry, more can serve and new parents can join.

  • For UBF/CBF/BBF to be one in missions and vission

  • New members Othelia, Collin, Adrian, and Coraline to meet Jesus

  • New teachers for CBF to fill 4 vacancies

  • Baptism of Olivia, Luke, and Boaz on Aug 31st

  • CBF/BBF kickoff Sep 7 (food, fun, fellowship)

  • Thank God for all returning teachers! And for new teachers: Haiti G. & Annie KR. Pray for 2 more new teachers still needed.


  • Outreach Dates:

    • Aug 30, Freshman welcome night: We plan to welcome Jospeh and Timothy.

    • Aug 31, Annual parent orientation meeting: leaders will introduce ourselves & share our vision & prayer topics with parents.

    • Fall outreach event in October

  • Prayer Topics

    • God may continue to bless Summer daily bread meetings

    • Every student has a 1:1 bible teacher

    • Revive devotionals in the coming year for all students

      • Annie will lead the girls’ devo group

      • pray for a boys’ devo group

    • Starting in the fall we will have a testimony-sharing rotation for students

    • College application for seniors

    • More open communication between parents & leaders.

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