On Sunday, June 30th there was a Post-Graduate Fellowship Picnic at Hartigan Beach near the Loyola campus. Pastor Mark and our church intern Victor has been coordinating these meetings for recent college grads and those who are not formally part of a fellowship to have a place to belong and encourage each other in the faith.

This was the third of the post-graduate fellowship meetings and was a collaboration with NEIU’s young professionals group, which is a group established by Edward and Irma P. to encourage and guide recent grads who are now working in a professional field. There was an agenda planned for the day with eating, games, and one-on-one meetings to share personal and spiritual goals for the summer. It was a very blessed fellowship meeting at the beach where many young adults got to play games together and share prayer topics.

May God continue to bless the recent grads and young professionals and raise spiritual leaders for the world!

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