The past United Friday Meeting was the first one for the year 2025. A new approach to a Quarterly System which is every three months to hold meetings this year. This format was planned by our newly formed Campus Committee Group. The theme for the evening, “Better Together”. At the beginning of the session a survey was conducted to get to know our member’s talents and skills followed by the Committee members from each campus ministry, shared their personal reflections based on God’s “Gift of Grace” and His work in their lives. The 6 were: Alinne from UIC, Angelo from Oakton, Jason from Lincoln Park, Gloria from Northwestern, Christopher from NEIU, and Victor from Loyola.


For Part 2, we had breakout sessions by 6 peer groups: College students, High School students, Middle & Primary school students, Young Families, middle aged parents, and seniors. Through these breakout sessions, we grew closer to one another in the family of God.

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