Recap on May UFM

For the Month of May, the United Friday Meeting was broken up into two parts, testimony sharing and a presentation on Daily Bread by Tony K.

Acts 1:8. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Jonathan C. shared on waiting on the promise of the Father to receive the Holy Spirit to guide him. Through Bible study, he felt a sudden sense of peace and that was evidence to him of the power of the Holy Spirit working through him.

Denise R. shared how at first she didn’t fully appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life. But after reading the books of acts she was able to surrender to the Holy Spirit and in doing so she was empowered, she could preach the gospel boldly.

Becky R. shared what she truly needs to believe in Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit so she can embrace her identity as a witness.

Acts 1:14. “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.”

Gloria L. shared on adjusting to group dynamics in group bible studies. But through the Acts study, she learned that though they are very different God called them to be witnesses. She prays to put aside her differences and work together for God’s kingdom.

Victor R. shared on learning the importance of being united in prayer. He also shared on going on a social media fasting and improving his prayer life. His prayer is to learn to pray with others and to pray with his heart, especially in groups.

Bahati shared on the power of prayer in her life, she recently started praying in a group with her roommates from common life. She was convicted of the importance of praying as a community. Through prayer, she witnessed God’s power in helping her friends and also the Holy Spirit working through them witnessing to two students on campus.

Daily Bread presentation by Tony K. 

What is Daily Bread? – It comes from Matthew 6:11 “Give us today our Daily Bread”. It is a daily Bible devotional with notes on the passage and prayer. Every verse is covered over four years. It is meant to encourage meditation, reflection, and prayer. This form of Daily Bread is not meant to replace bible reading, bible study, or worship. But it is written in a style and structure, to understand the passage, pray about it, and have one word. It is written by people from UBF for people in UBF. Available at: &

Why Daily Bread? -To build a habit of meditating on God’s word, to be in God’s word daily.

How to do Daily Bread? – Pray-Read-Write-PrayPray – Ask God to open the passage to you. Read – the Bible passage and the notes. Write – Reflect personally on the passage. Pray – Close with prayer.

Pastor Mark closed the meeting by encouraging us to get an accountability partner to share with and do daily bread together.

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